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Tricycle Magazine

Buddhism for Beginners

Buddhism is variously understood as a religion, a philosophy, or a set of beliefs and practices based on the teachings of the Buddha, or “Awakened One”—the title given to the Indian spiritual seeker Siddhartha Gautama after he attained enlightenment more than 2,600 years ago...




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Harvard University

Buddhism Through Its Scriptures

Learn about the rich and diverse beliefs and practices of Buddhists across time and place. Experience Buddhism through its scriptures, both relationally as well as academically.




Columbia University

Indian & Tibetan River of Buddhism

Robert Thurman


Explore an overview of the history and philosophy of Buddhism throughout India, South and Southeast Asia, Tibet, and Central Asia, featuring the basics of the Buddhist view of reality and its educational principles of sciences, mind and social ethics.




International Buddhist Academy

Kathmandu, Nepal


The IBA offers students from all over the world free access to their Dharma courses held over the past years. The International Buddhist Academy in Kathmandu, Nepal was established by Khenchen Appey Rinpoche in 2001 with the objective to:  


  • make higher Tibetan Buddhist studies and contemplative practice available to the non-Tibetan community;

  • preserve, publish and translate the literary heritage of the Sakya tradition; and

  • further the training of the new generation of Sakya leaders.​




Upaya Zen Center

Dharma Talks


Upaya Institute and Zen Center, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, focuses on integrating Zen practice with social action, with traditional cultivation of wisdom and compassion.


This video archive of Upaya's Wednesday night public dharma talks goes back to March 2020.




Mind & Life Institute

Digital Library

For over three decades, Mind & Life has hosted Dialogues and Conversations with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and leading scientists, scholars, and contemplatives to explore key questions at the intersection of science and contemplative wisdom. Here you will find recordings of these timeless conversations with deep relevance for our world today. The library provides a unique window into the art of interdisciplinary dialogue, while tracing the evolution of the field of contemplative science.




Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche

Video Teachings

A Tibetan Buddhism lama. At the age of two, she was recognized as the reincarnation of the Great Dakini of Tsurphu Monastery, Urgyen Tsomo – one of the most well-known female masters of her time.





Garchen Buddhist Institute

Teachings on Guru Yoga

Garchen Rinpoche os a Tibetan Buddhist teacher in the Drikung Kagyu lineage. In January 2009, Rinpoche gave six days of teachings on Guru Yoga and the practice of Lama.






Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

from Palouse Mindfulness


This online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.




Sakya Tradition


Teachings and topics given by the masters of the Sakya tradition, one of the four great Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya masters developed a tradition that emphasized study and meditation in equal measure.




Tushita Meditation Centre


Tushita Meditation Centre (a centre for the study and practice of Buddhism from the Tibetan Mahayana tradition in Himachal Pradesh in northern India) launched a series of free online programs in March 2020, as featured in the Times of India and BBC, offering online programs for new and experienced students, who are ready to explore Buddhist Philosophy.


Online courses and sessions are taught by resident teacher Venerable Drolma and visiting teachers through the Zoom platform. The video recordings are freely available without any time limit.




Open Buddhist University


The Open Buddhist University organizes content from across the internet into free, self-directed syllabi on a variety of topics in Buddhist Studies.






Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

Losing Yourself: How to Be a Person Without a Self


A remarkable and brave exploration of selflessness and personhood by the brilliant Buddhist scholar and philosopher Jay Garfield.





Dharma Realms Buddhist University

The Theravada Abhidhamma

with Venerable Bhikku Bodhi


The Abhidhamma is the philosophical psychology of Early Buddhism, dealing with such topics as types of consciousness, the 52 mental factors, processes of cognition, and the development of the mind’s higher potentials.




Sachen Foundation

Free Abhidharma Course

This six-month course, led by His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, delves into the Abhidharma, revealing the Buddhist psychology of realization. Understand the intricate nature of reality and consciousness through profound analysis and structured, insightful teachings.




His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Video Teachings

The Dalai Lama is the highest spiritual leader and head of Tibetan Buddhism. His work focuses on the environment, economics, women's rights, nonviolence, interfaith dialogue, physics, astronomy, Buddhism and science, cognitive neuroscience, reproductive health, and sexuality. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.





Mingyur Rinpoche's Monthly Teachings


Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a Tibetan teacher and master of the Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. He has written five books and oversees the Tergar Meditation Community, an international network of Buddhist meditation centers.





Beyond Mindfulness:

The Essence of Meditation

In this free Webinar with Mingyur Rinpoche, you'll learn how to use meditation to transform stressful situations and challenging emotions into support for awareness.






My Meditation Journey

My Meditation Journey is a lighthearted discussion with long-time meditators to explore their personal insights, experiences and stories about their path. The conversation aims to demystify the transformative aspects of meditation and celebrates the positive inner and outer results felt during practice.




Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies

Shamatha Retreat with Alan Wallace


This retreat focuses on methods to cultivate meditative quiescence (shamatha) as a foundation for contemplative insight (vipashyana). It includes mindfulness of breathing, as taught by the Buddha, to calm the body and mind; “settling the mind in its natural state,” a Dzogchen practice from Lerab Lingpa’s teachings; and “shamatha without signs,” a subtle practice from Padmasambhava’s Natural Liberation, which may lead to the realization of rigpa. Co-led by Eva Natanya, the retreat combines theory, guided meditations, and Q&A sessions to equip participants with the understanding and experience needed to pursue this state of mental and physical balance.




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